In March 2014, I began work on the sequel to one of the most unexpectedly popular films of 2013. SHARKNADO hit the Syfy network on July 11, 2013. In the...
Self-funded, low budget, indie filmmaking is wonderful for the creative and artistic freedoms you are granted as you strive to tell the story and share it with others. You...
The murder of Marion Crane is one of the most iconic and memorable scenes in film history. In 1960, Alfred Hitchcock shocked the viewers by killing the lead actress...
In 1965, Sidney J. Furie directed the spy thriller The Ipcress File starring a young Michael Caine. Producer Harry Saltzman used the same core production team he employed on Dr....
[caption id="attachment_3236" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] Cameraman Irmin Roberts invented the Dolly Zoom shot[/caption] The Dolly Zoom is a camera shot made famous in Alfred Hitchcock's VERTIGO (1958). It was invented...
[caption id="attachment_3177" align="aligncenter" width="1156"] I graded this film in 10 days on Davinci Resovle[/caption] Zombie Night is a horror film directed by John Gulager...
[caption id="attachment_3164" align="aligncenter" width="1920"] Lightbox view of my grading work for 'Android Cop'[/caption] Android Cop premieres on February 4, 2014. Here are the 1573 shots I color graded using Davinci...
ARGO won the 2013 Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Writing and Best Editing. The film details the rescue of 6 U.S. diplomats from Tehran in 1979. The CIA created...
VashiVisuals launched in January 2013 and to celebrate our first anniversary...I wanted to share the 6 most popular posts of the last year. The 6 posts are a combination of...
James Avery has passed away. I had the honor of working with the Gentle Giant on a feature film I produced, shot and edited. The director Jhon Doria got James...