After an amazing 6 month run…The Stanley Kubrick Exhibit at LACMA has closed. The most comprehensive collection of Kubrick’s equipment, scripts, props, documents, photos and more has been situated 10 miles from my home and I haven’t made time to go. I’ve planned to go…wanted to go…needed to go and finally on the last day…I went.
It was an overwhelming experience and I wish I had gone several more times to delve deeper into this historical filmmaking treasure trove. Here are some of the photos I took during my 4-hour journey into the World Of Stanley Kubrick.

My last day ticket from LACMA – June 30, 2013

Storyboard wall from 2001: A Space Odyssey

The Survival Pack from Dr. Strangelove

Some of Stanley Kubrick’s lenses

Single frame of Lolita viewed through a loupe

Stanley Kurbrick’s personal chess set

Letter from Saul Bass to Stanley Kubrick regarding The Shining

Jack’s typewriter from The Shining

Shooting schedule from the unfinished Aryan Papers

Minature set of The War Room from Dr. Strangelove

Matte painting from Spartacus

A Clockwork Orange phonograph

Script pages from Paths of Glory

The Zeiss Planar 50mm f.07 Barry Lyndon lens with .5x wide lens adaptor

Stanley Kubrick’s Tewe’s Directors Finder with Vista Vision setting

Prop axes from The Shining

The Cinerama Fairchild-Curtis 160-degree lens used for HAL’s POV

Milk Bar statue from A Clockwork Orange

Mitchell BNC 35mm camera used in Barry Lyndon

Proposal letter for the unfinished Napoleon film

Danny’s sweater from The Shining

Script for “The Shine” by Stephen King with notes

Stanley Kubrick’s directors chair with script holder
It was a magical experience and very inspiring to see some of the elements that helped craft the Kubrick Universe. Thanks for visiting and until next time…
Vashi Nedomansky