Peter Markle has over 30 years of experience as a Director in Hollywood

Peter Markle has over 30 years of experience as a Director in Hollywood


Film Director Peter Markle has over 30 years of Hollywood experience behind the camera. He has directed over 80 projects including feature films: Youngblood, Flight 93, BAT 21, Hot Dog the Movie and TV shows ER, The X-Files, Without a Trace, CSI, Burn Notice, Rescue Me, NYPD Blue and more.

I met Peter on the hockey rinks of Los Angeles and found out we both played professional hockey in the past. We’ve been friends for more than a decade and we always share our filmmaking experiences, talk about projects and gear we are using on any given day.

On August 7th, Peter is releasing ODDS ARE, the latest feature film he wrote and directed. It’s a psychological thriller based on actual events with many twists and turns.

This Micro-Budget film was filmed over 25 days in Santa Monica and the Mojave desert. Peter used his own house as the main location and used every trick in the independent filmmaker’s arsenal to create this film.



I sat down with Peter at his home (the film’s main location) for a conversation about filmmaking and how he made ODDS ARE.

We discussed the entire indie film process including:

– The original idea
– Production
– Editing
– Marketing
– Getting his film onto iTunes & dozens of other platforms

Peter shared a lot of tips and tricks for every indie filmmaker that he learned from over 40 years of filmmaking.

Enjoy our recorded interview below!





10 Tips for Indie Filmmaking from Hollywood Director Peter Markle

10 Tips for Indie Filmmaking from Hollywood Director Peter Markle


Additionally, Peter shot his own BTS of the filmmaking experiences during this production and it focuses on stealing locations, using what you have, no permits and no regrets. ODD ARE is a non-union film but was shot under a Low Budget Agreement with SAG, the DGA and the WGA.

Here’s the BTS video:

ODDS ARE… Steal This Location | from peter markle on Vimeo.



To learn more about Peter Markle’s upcoming film ODDS ARE:

Official Website: ODDS ARE

Watch it here: iTunes


The making of ODDS ARE


Until next time…
